Wright's Mesa Solar Project




OneEnergy Renewables is currently developing a 100MW solar energy project on Wright’s Mesa, about two miles southwest of Norwood.

The project is located on four parcels along Lone Cone Road, including three privately owned parcels and one owned by the State of Colorado. OneEnergy plans to develop, design, and construct the project over the next 3-4 years. 

Community Benefits


Upcoming Events

Please stay tuned for information about upcoming events related to the project. 

Wright’s Mesa Solar Public Meeting

OneEnergy will be hosting a public meeting in Norwood, CO to discuss the project. We invite anyone from the community to join to express support, voice concerns, or ask questions.

Date: May 16, 2023

Time: 7:00 - 8:15 PM

Location: Multipurpose Room North/South, Lone Cone Library, 1455 S Pinion St., Norwood, CO 81423

Zoom: Registration required. Once you register, you will recieve a Zoom link to your email. Register here. If you are attending via Zoom, please submit any questions in advance to wrightsmesa@oneenergyrenewables.com. 

Public Hearing - Planning Commission

A public hearing on the project will be held before the Planning Commission. Notice of the hearing will be provided to proximate property owners. Notices will also be posted on this website as well as in the Norwood and Telluride newspapers.

Date: TBD

Time: TBD

Public Hearing - Board of County Commissioners

A public hearing on the project will be held before the Board of County Commissioners. Notice of the hearing will be provided to all proximate property owners. Notices will also be posted on this website as well as in the Norwood and Telluride newspapers.

Date: TBD

Time: TBD

OneEnergy Renewables fights climate change by making clean energy the number one electricity choice for consumers and utilities.

We develop solar energy projects across the United States in community solar, distributed generation, and large utility scale project segments. Our local, hands-on, and personable approach accelerates widespread access to affordable clean energy.

Visit our Website

Get in Touch

Our solar energy projects add to pollinator habitat, protect wetlands, decrease stormwater runoff and create job opportunities.

Feel free to contact us to discuss the Wright's Mesa project.

We look forward to hearing from you.